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The House Building Blog—Insulated Concrete Forms

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Building the ICF Wall

Alan has started to build the basement walls with insulated concrete forms. We have chosen an ICF system by Logix. The blocks go together almost like Lego except that they are a lot more flexible. Just like with concrete block work, it's necessary to string a guide line to make sure all the blocks are staying straight along their proper course.

insulated concrete forms

The footings waiting for the insulated concrete forms.

insulated concrete forms

The beginnings of the Logix block wall.

insulated concrete forms

Almost Like Lego

insulated concrete forms insulated concrete forms

Friday, August 18, 2006

Window And Door Bucks

The wall is going up really fast. Alan is quite tired at the end of the day mainly just due to the heat—he's working in the full sun all afternoon. Each row of blocks needs to have a course of rebar snapped into the slots of a spacer bracket. Alan has found ways of economizing his time by measuring, cutting and bending all the rebar he'll need for the next several rows of blocks so it's just sitting ready for him as each row of blocks go up.

The window and door bucks which keep the concrete from pouring into the window and door openings are now in.

logix block install logix block install logix block install

Window and Door Bucks

Friday, August 25, 2006

Concrete Pour

icf install

Logix Block Wall Prepped for Concrete Pour

icf install

Filling ICFs with Concrete

icf install

Little Work Site, Big Work Site

insulated concrete forms

Man in Corner Filling Forms using Overhead Pipe from Concrete Pumper, Man to Right Vibrating Concrete in Wall Cavity

insulated concrete forms

Little Helper Screeding The Concrete

logix block wall

Screeding The Concrete

logix block wall


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