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The House Building Blog—In Floor Heating

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Basement Infloor Heating and Concrete Pour

Infloor Heating Tubes in Basement

The hot water heating tubes snake their way around the basement on top of styro-foam insulation. The rebar mesh (which the heating tubes are sitting on) will be pulled up to the center of the concrete once the floor slab is poured.

Infloor Heating Basement

All the tubes originate from and terminate at a temporary plywood mounting board (back center of photo). Once the basement walls are framed, this board will be mounted on a wall inside the utility room.

Basement Concrete Pour

Pumper Truck Conveys Concrete into Basement

in floor heating concrete heating tubes in concrete floor

Concrete Screeded Over Heating Tubes

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Main Floor Heating Installation

Pat has started to install the in floor heating tubes on the main level. The tubes come up through the floor then zig-zag around everywhere before returning back down to the boiler for the water to get reheated.

in floor heating under wood floors

Pat installing the radiant tubes in dining room. Oh, toasty dining toes - I can't wait.

in floor heating main floor

The big spool loaded with hot water tubing

radiant heating under wood flooring

In Floor Tubes Installed in Living Room

in floor heating in kitchen


Thursday, March 22, 2007

In Comes the Mud

concrete pour over radiant heating tubes concrete pour over in floor heating tubes

Muddy Kitchen

concrete pour over radiant heating tubes

Living Room

concrete pour over in floor heating tubes


For more information on home heating, see our website section on House Heat.

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